- 不要將您損失不起的資金投資到"結構性産品"(即期貨、期權、窩輪、牛熊證和其他衍生金融交易)中。
- 因爲有價值波動,對於投資者而言,"結構性産品"的投資具有很高的風險,投資者可能無法收回原始投資。在一些特定的交易中,投資者可能不僅會損失他們最初投入的資金,還可能産生需要以後償付的不確定債務。
- "結構性産品"的固有特性決定了它不適合於那些希望從投資中獲取穩定收入的投資者,因爲這種投資收入的價值可能會波動。
- 由於滙率的波動,以外幣計價的投資價值可能會出現漲跌。因此,"結構性産品"僅適合於那些完全理解市場風險並且有交易經驗的投資者。如有必要,建議投資者獲取獨立的投資建議。
- 本網站上的觀點和陳述被認為是準確的。阿爾法量化金融科技有限公司對這些觀點和陳述的任何不準確之處、遺漏事實之處或任何價值觀點均不承擔責任。
- 本「風險披露」的英文版本與中文譯本如有任何不相符之處,概以英文版本爲準。
- You should not invest in any financial instruments (i.e. futures,options,warrants,CBBCs and other derivative products) with the money that you cannot afford to lose.
- An investment in financial instruments carries a high degree of risk and the money that you invest might not remain the same due to the fluctuation in market value of the instrument.
- Trading financial instruments is not suitable for an investor seeking an income since profits are not guaranteed.
- The value of your investment denominated into a particular foreign currency may diminish or increase your trading account(s) equity due to the currency exchange. We recommend you seek independent investment advice,regarding trading with financial instruments,if necessary.
- The information displayed on this website is believed to be accurate. Nevertheless any inaccuracy or omission of any value that might occur is not considered to be our responsibility.
- If there is any inconsistency between the English version of these terms and conditions of use and their Chinese translation,the English version will prevail.